Collection: Ohio August Special Election Get Out The Vote Campaign

With scores of citizens collecting signatures to get constitutional protections for reproductive rights on statewide ballots in 2023, the GOP legislature is attempting to move the goalpost by changing ballot measure rules.

Republicans want to make it harder to get citizen initiated constitutional amendments on the ballot and raise the threshold for approving them from a simple majority to 60% — which is a nearly impossible high bar to cross in a 50/50 state like Ohio. Though the Ohio GOP just voted to discontinue August special elections this past spring, they’re now willing to spend a whopping $20 million in taxpayer dollars to hold this inconvenient, costly special election. Their motivation to do this in a hurry? To stop the proposed November ballot measure that would codify abortion rights in the constitution!

This is an off-year special election and the result will be decided by voter turnout, so we really need to turn out voters who have a stake in these issues. In this campaign, we're reaching out to low wage workers who have signed the minimum wage petition. These voters have the incentive to turn out since it'll be nearly impossible to get the minimum wage initiative on the ballot and pass it, should the Republicans succeed in the special election.