Hubby and I joke that when we moved to “red” Colorado 26 years ago from “Joisey,” we were the reason the state turned blue. Now, having moved to Arizona three years ago, we’re driven to do the same. But, as angry, anxious, frustrated, and concerned as we are by the escalating chaos, we’re a lot older now and have some physical limitations.
Enter Blue Wave Postcards.
We first heard about Blue Wave from a friend in the tiny mountain town we used to live in near Boulder. I’d done a letter writing GOTV program in the past that was, honestly, a bit onerous. So I was a bit skeptical about Blue Wave. But when I got my first batch of Blue Wave postcards I was stunned by three things:
- The front graphic and pre-printed message are, in my opinion, brilliant—eye-catching, concise, targeted, and provide the recipient with a specific action and how to take it (like deadline dates, URLs, etc).
- Blue Wave provides a brief message for me to write—I don’t have to come up with a “brilliant” message of my own.
Blue Wave provides pre-printed address labels, and it’s easy to include stamps with my order—and they’re self-adhesive. No stamp licking!
So now I’ve participated in four Blue Wave campaigns. My friend and I have brunch at a Sedona coffee house and chat, then zip through our 100 postcards—with more coffee and chatting. It’s fun, easy and, best of all, leaves us feeling like we’re doing something that makes a difference.
- Call/write your representatives (federal, state, and community) and let your voice be heard.
- Counteract the negative and nasty happenings by doing an act of kindness or beauty.
- And write A LOT of Blue Wave postcards!
-Nancy Edelstein