As I write this (one day post-election), there are still some races to be called, and congressional majorities still to be determined. But the predicted “red tsunami” is turning out to be a “pink trickle.” The “American experiment” of democracy continues, brought back (once again) from the brink of autocracy. As I heard several TV talking heads describe it:
“Yesterday, Americans voted for decency and democracy.”
But I especially love the way this entire process was described by law professor (and the first female U.S. Attorney) Joyce Vance in her daily newsletter email (I highlighted some text):
“We did this. We lived through all of it together, found ways to help, supported each other, and we voted. We ignored the polls that told us we would lose and voted anyhow. No matter how this turns out, we fought for this country. Apparently, a lot of us still think it’s worth fighting for. That’s a good thing, because we’ve still got a lot of work ahead of us! But we’ve seen proof tonight that we can get there if we all work on it. We’re in this together.”
I wholeheartedly agree: We did this. Not only by voting, but also by supporting each other, and by taking action even in the face of the supposed “tsunami.”
But, as they say, it ain’t over yet. There are still problem “hotspots,” wrongs to be righted, wounds to be healed, and learning to be garnered. So I urge you to keep it going. Stay engaged.
And maybe go even further: (in addition to your postcard group) form or join a group with a shared goal—whether the purpose is a book club or climate change activism. Connect with other people in the community—human being to human being—completely disregarding ethnic, religious, political, or sexual identity/orientation differences. I think this “people connection” is key to solving many of our ills.
But no matter what, no matter our ills, I remain steadfastly optimistic about American democracy and its voters. I wholeheartedly agree with those who have said—in various iterations—“Don’t ever bet against America and Americans.”
We’re going to work this all out and live up to our motto of “E Pluribus Unum”—out of many, one. It will just take some more time and effort on our part. But the 2022 election is a GREAT start.
And we did it! YOU did it!
Now, buckle down and write those postcards for the Georgia run-off!
-Nancy Edelstein
Photo by Josh Carter on Unsplash