The Blue Wave Postcard Movement applauds the U.S. Senate for introducing S.1, the For the People Act, an expansive democracy reform package that will extend and protect the freedom to vote, end partisan and racial gerrymandering, get dark money out of politics, and restore transparency and accountability in our government. We need to do everything possible to see that the bill is passed and signed into law as soon as possible.
The For the People Act has strong support across party lines, with 96% of Democrats, 74% of Republicans, and 73% of independents in favor of the For the People Act.
Since the general election, the majority of states have been involved in restricting or limiting voting access, purposely attempting to dilute the power of our voters, particularly Black and brown voters, who spoke up with their ballots in record numbers this past election cycle.
We can change this. Once our political system is un-rigged, Congress can finally enact policies on the issues that Americans care most about, like affordable healthcare, clean air and water, gun violence prevention, racial justice, and so many others.
The Senate must swiftly pass and President Biden must sign into law these common-sense reforms to build a more just, fair, and inclusive democratic society.
We call for the passage of the For the People Act as a first priority of the Senate and the Biden-Harris administration. It's time for our leaders to move our country forward by passing this bill immediately in the Senate.
The Blue Wave Postcards Movement is a national grassroots movement to turn out millions of voters and thousands of activists. We are a member of the Declaration for American Democracy – a coalition of more than 190 organizations from labor, racial justice, voting rights, faith, environmental, women’s rights, good government, and many other important communities, representing tens of millions of Americans.