I see this time as similar to WWII, especially D-Day, when we sent our young men and women to defeat fascism. I think now is time for us to become a Second Greatest Generation to destroy fascism here in our own country.
I am half a step this side of being a complete invalid, so I figured there wasn't anything meaningful I could do to join the battle. I can't phone bank, door knock, rally, or march. But I can write postcards! THANK YOU, BLUE WAVE, you've given me a way to do my part in this struggle.
We moved here too recently to have collected any friends, so it's just me doing everything to get the cards in the mail. A box of 2,000 is too much for me, I'd never get them out in time. So I order the 100-card kit; I've done three sets so far. (Sorry for the extra work, kids.)
#BlueWave #Harris_Walz_2024! #Alltheway