Inspiring Women Podcast with Laurie A.S. McGraw

We were so thrilled to be featured on the Inspiring Women podcast with Laurie A. S. McGraw. The following is borrowed from Laurie, in a recent social media post:

"I created #inspiringwomen with the simple idea that women will benefit from hearing the stories of others as they navigate their paths to leadership ( #leadership matters). Speaking with this mentorship duo, Ning Mosberger and Chiu-Ki Chan is most important today.

Ning was one of the first female developers at Google. She learned there that yes, you can change the world. Concerned about climate change and our democracy, she put her energies to doing something about it. She created the Blue Wave Postcard Movement - a way to get involved, be active, be heard - and has been helping to drive results in political campaigns.

Chiu-Ki ( joined Google as her first job. She is clear that her generation doesn’t really believe you stay anywhere forever and then started her own company as an Android developer. There may be more women in tech but she still experiences having to prove who she is and describes needing to be aggressive in conversations just to be heard. When she moved to Boulder, finding Ning gave her an outlet to also participate in activism in the ways that suited her style.

The events of today/this time… the fights for equality/equity, justice, the climate, our bodies… they matter and our voices matter. Thank you Ning and Chiu-Ki for sharing and your passionate caring and actions.

Full episode here:

-Chiu-Ki, Technology Director [bio]

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