Democracy Is A Family Affair {Guest Post}

postcards to voters

My husband and I are disabled retirees in New Mexico. We moved here 7 1/2 years ago, just before the 2016 election devastation.

At the time, we volunteered a bit to house sit the Democratic county headquarters, but couldn't otherwise do that much. The physical and emotional cost was too high for canvasing or phone calling. 

But we heard about another postcard campaign. Hubby went after that like a marathon runner! He was ON it!! 

For the 2018 midterms, a friend's daughter connected me with your group indirectly. Again, he was ON IT! 

Then I had an idea. I bought sparkly red, white and blue star stickers and put a few on each postcard after he wrote whatever it was he had to write. That became my job. Each postcard got all three colors in various combinations. The fact is, it's way past time for we liberals to reclaim our flag from those who are desecrating it! 

My thinking is that we have no idea what any particular person does with their postcard, but the eye catching stickers might just keep that postcard in their hands for a few more seconds enough to read it. 

So, it's a family affair, not just mine. 

But, ladies, please know that this effort does more than just help get people out to vote and help our candidates win!

During Covid and beyond, we're mostly housebound at this point. This allows us to contribute; to do more than twist our fingers into human pretzels with worry over any particular campaign! 

We have always been politically active even long before we met each other over 40 years ago. You have allowed us to continue to contribute! It's an important gift.

Thank you for all you do! 
-Johanna and Bill Smith 
(Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash)
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