Blue Wave Postcard Movement's Endorsements For The Colorado State Senate in 2022 

We are excited to announce our endorsement of high priority state senate candidates in Colorado. You can contribute to all of their campaigns here to keep Colorado blue!

colorado state senate 2022 Find out more about endorsed candidates


We took the Labor Day weekend to reflect on our social and economic achievements as a nation. The U.S. has made great strides for the good of humankind and was a beacon of light for those seeking freedom, justice and democracy. But lately, we’re falling short. Our basic rights are being trampled, and our democracy is under attack by extremist politicians on the Right.

In particular, with the right wing shift of the high court, we need our state legislature and state government to do what it takes to protect the welfare of all Coloradans. As such, electing a pro-democracy, pro-environment and pro-choice state legislature in the midterm is of paramount importance.

We are endorsing eight great candidates running in competitive state senate districts. These candidates, once (re)-elected, will work hard to protect our freedom and our rights.

We encourage you to visit their websites, attend their events, learn about their backgrounds and policy priorities, and sign up to volunteer for them. You can also make direct contributions to their campaigns.

Another way to volunteer is, of course, to write postcards with Blue Wave or attending our postcard events! We have launched our second Colorado Hispanic voter registration campaign targeting some of the districts these candidates are running in. We are also hosting a virtual postcard writing event and invite endorsed candidates to speak.

If you can't do it this time but are interested in writing postcards or attending events in the future, please sign up here to stay in the loop.

Blue Wave Postcard Movement

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