Best Practices for Starting a Blue Wave Postcard Group

postcards to voters

Want to start a Blue Wave postcard group of your own but feel daunted by where to begin? Check out our top tips and give us a shout if you have any questions! 

Tips For Starting a Blue Wave Group:

  • Check out our toolkit online before you establish a group:
  • If your friends and family members, or others within your networks on social channels aren’t like-minded, look for local organizations in your area to meet more people and tell them about your plans. Consider checking out groups such as the following to find local chapters: Indivisible, Forward Majority, Swing Left, Common Cause, or county or state Democrats. 
  • Once you’ve established your group, start fundraising to build a pool of funds for future postcard campaigns (stamp costs really add up!):
  • Treat your postcard group like a book club. Check in with members from time to time, especially if there’s a lull in campaigns. When there are active campaigns, forward our campaign update emails to your group and ask them to order postcard kits. 
  • Organize a postcard party so that more members are engaged. This can be in-person or via video chat. Consider finding local speakers for your event.
  • Follow-up is key. Everyone is busy, so be sure to check in with folks when there’s an active campaign if you don’t hear back. And ask people to report in with a number of cards written a few days before the deadline so that people get everything shipped out in time. 

If you'd like to join a BWPM group, visit Blue Wave's group finder on our map for a nearby group to join:  

And be sure to contact a group organizer in your area to join their group:

Have other tips to share? Please email and we'll add them to our list! 

 -Sani, Director of Communications [bio]

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