Growing up South Asian American, I learned early that life was determined by the stars. Whether they were asking an astrologer to fix an auspicious date for my piano recital, circling me with spices post-graduation to ward off evil eye, or sucking their teeth about my generation’s insistence on marrying people with incompatible horoscopes, my family’s stance was always clear: respect the universe, because she’s got more control over your life than you do.
Thanks to the results of Super Tuesday and a Supreme Court decision, the idea of destiny is very much on my mind. But as much as I respect destiny and all her children, let’s face it: this election is too big of a mess for the universe to fix on its own. It’s up to us to take our fate into our own hands and deal with this situation through collective political action.
Finished up your latest Blue Wave postcard kit and looking for another way to get involved? Why not consult the constellations? In the list below, remember to check your sun sign, your rising, and your moon, if you know them. If you don’t, it doesn’t matter – just pick the activity that works best for you!
Aries (March 21 - April 19) – Knock on doors. The first of the fire signs, Aries wants to go, go, go! Stretch those athletic legs and polish those persuasive skills as you go door to door convincing your neighbors to vote for your candidate. Need a little competition to liven things up? Start a friendly contest with fellow canvassers to see who will hit the most houses – then bask in the victory that will obviously be yours.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20) – Create care packages for election works. Nobody does cozy like a Taurus! Serve the country by serving your community: bake a batch of cookies, decorate a set of affirmations, source some soothing candles, and stick them all in tasteful gift bags for campaign workers who, right about now, are letting their self-care slip. A Taurus knows we all need a little comfort – and no one is better at creating comfort than you are!
Gemini (May 21 - June 20) – Work with a social media team. Whether it’s a party office, local candidate, or presidential election office, every campaign needs help with communications. Sign up on the candidate’s website to help with crafting and sending messages and doing special projects like building websites, designing yard signs, or creating gifs and memes. With your social skills, artistry, and verbal prowess, no one will be more convincing than you!
Cancer (June 21 - July 22) - Text bank. – One of the Zodiac’s greatest do-ers, you’ll find satisfaction reaching a huge number of voters at the speed of light. Text away while multitasking to the gods. Text and stick stamps on postcards. Text and call your grandmother to make sure she has a voting plan. Text and curse the opposing candidate’s bloodline for seven generations. (Who says spooky is only for Scorpios?) You can do it all, Cancer, without ever leaving the house.
Leo (July 23 - August 22) – Plan a fundraiser. Applause, please – there’s a Leo in the building! Your performance skills and love of a good time make you the perfect person to plan fundraising parties for your favorite candidates. Although you’re naturally drawn to leading roles, don’t sleep on local candidates – sometimes the smallest characters get the biggest accolades.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22) – Become a poll worker. As a list-loving perfectionist, you’re the perfect person to help voters cast their ballots. Whether it’s as a poll worker on election day, or a volunteer with your local elections board, your commitment to doing what’s right while getting it right makes you the electoral worker of our country’s dreams.
Libra (September 23 - October 22) – Fight voter suppression. A sign ruled by fairness and balance means that you, Libra, are all about justice. Use your powerful and magnetic personality to battle injustice in your state and beyond. To get started, check out organizations like Fair Fight, When We All Vote, and the Brennan Center for Justice.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) – Write op-eds. What’s more terrifying: a ghost story, or the unprecedented number of anti-trans bills and anti-abortion bills currently under debate? Pair your spookiness with a side of statistics and pen letters to the editor, op-eds, and personal essays imagining just how scary this world can get when there’s a bigot in charge.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) – Get people to the polls. Indulge your chatty, curious, extroversion by getting folks out to vote! Sign up to drive disabled and aging folks to their local polling places, to translate ballots for non-English speaking voters, or flier your neighborhood with information about election day. Make some friends, do some traveling – it’s a centaur’s perfect day.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) – Work in (or manage) a campaign office. Nobody has it together like a Capricorn. Between your work ethic, your organizational skills, and your loyalty to people and causes, you’ve got an unmatched ability to get things done. Look up your local campaign office or political party office and offer to help. Within a week, you’ll be running the place!
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) - Register new voters. As a quirky community-lover who is always on the search for new and interesting friendships, what better way to widen your already diverse circle than by registering voters? Whether it’s college students, newly sworn-in citizens, or recently released felons, you’ll meet a host of fascinating personalities that will spark your innate creativity. Community building plus inspiration? Yes, please!
Pisces (February 19 - March 20) – Phone bank. Pisces, you’ve got all the feelings, all the empathy, and all the wisdom needed to potential voters, listen to their stories, and convince them to do the right thing. Use your emotional intelligence to sway elections your direction, all while doing what you do best: feeling your – and everyone else’s – feelings.
Mathangi Subramanian is an essayist, novelist, and the founder of Moon Rabbit Writing Studio.