A Testament To The Power of Never Giving Up

postcards to voters

Are you “tired of winning”? I’m not!!

Remember that infamous quote? . . .

"We're gonna win so much, you may even get tired of winning. And you'll say, 'Please, please. It's too much winning. We can't take it anymore. Mr. President, it's too much.”

Well chalk up yet another two wins—for us: a seismic shift in Wisconsin with the election of liberal Janet Protasiewicz to the state Supreme Court AND the election of progressive Brandon Johnson as mayor of Chicago. Huge, HUGE wins!

Following Protasiewicz’s win, the Wisconsin Democratic Party released a statement, including:

“ . . . tonight’s victory is the result of years of unglamorous work by volunteers, activists, union members, and organizers across our state who knocked on doors, made phone calls, chipped in, and never lost the faith that a better future was possible—even when hope seemed all but lost.    

Tonight is a testament to the power of never giving up. . . . And that’s why we will never stop organizing. We will use this moment as a springboard into the long work ahead. . . .” *

After the Wisconsin election was called for Protasiewicz, my Sedona BWPM postcard-writing buddy emailed me: “Postcards!!!!! Woohooo!!!!!!” So I repeat now what I wrote in a post here after the phenomenal 2022 election win, “We did this! YOU did this!” Yes, postcards—woohoo, indeed!

But despite so much winning, the political chaos continues. I heard historian Jon Meacham say on TV (and I’m very much paraphrasing) that the antidote to all the craziness—what we can do to counteract it—comes down to one thing: we need to vote. And, as you know, one of the keys to that is GOTV—an effort that we all have made a huge contribution to by writing 4,654,146 BWPM postcards since its launch just three years ago.

And we’re not done yet. It’s that ongoing “American experiment” to “form a more perfect union.”

So rest up, rest your writing hand, and go outside and enjoy spring—so you can be ready for our next opportunity of “too much winning.”

-Nancy Edelstein

* I got this quote from the April 4, 2023 edition of  “Letters from an American” by historian and Boston College professor Heather Cox Richardson. I highly recommend her daily emails that provide excellent context and commentary. It’s easy to sign up—and free. You might also want to sign up for free emails from attorney Joyce Vance—who was the first female U.S. Attorney—that help make sense of all the legal wrangling.

(Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash)

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